Above is a picture of Troy Lake, River Colne, Grand Union Canal and the Mount Pleasant area in Harefield.

Below you will find our library, which includes responses to planning applications and letters to decision makers in our drive to protect and maintain the beautiful landscape of the Colne Valley Park.

To help the Colne Valley Regional Park protect and improve the Park and fight the development proposals please donate here.

Responses to Planning

Hillingdon Water Sports Facility and Activity Centre, Broadwater Lake, May 2023

Dromenagh Farm data centre, Seven Hills Road, Iver, Dec 2022

West London Technology Park Application 2, Nov 2022

Gravel extraction at Sutton Court Farm, Iver, October 22

975 houses etc at Chalfont Common, October 22

Pinewood South and Alderbourne Farm, Sept 22

Gravel extraction on Land beside M25, Between Jcts 15 & 16, Iver Heath, Sept 22

Recycling facility on land East of Horton Road, Horton, August 2022

Land East of Horton Road, Horton, August 2022

Chalfont Motorway Service Area, July 2022

Iver Motorway Service Area, June 2022

King George VI Reservoir, Stanwell Moor, March 2022

Buckinghamshire Golf Club, Denham Huts and Access Gates, Feb 2022

Pinewood Screenhub planning application call In, January 2022

Link Park Data Centre, January 2022

Pinewood Screen Hub, November 2021

Woodlands Park Battery Storage Iver, November 2021

Joint statement to Buckinghamshire Council about planning around Iver Heath, May 2021

Maple Cross Warehouses Response, March2021

Iver Motorway Service Area, February 2021

Pinewood Screen Hub, Feb 2021

Pinewood Screen Hub, Oct 2020

Lea Denham Crematorium response, January 2020

Energy from Waste Colnbrook, Response August 2019

Motorway Service Area Response, July 2019

Maple Cross Warehouse Response, July 2019

Western Rail Link to Heathrow, response, June 2018

Other Letters

Letter to the Dept. for Levelling Up re. application by National Grid to compulsory purchase part of Mansfield Farm and Round Coppice Estate, Iver Heath, June 24

Letter to Matthew Pennycook MP Minister for Housing, Communities & Local Government July 24

Letter to Maria Bowen Department of Levelling Up re. disposal of Green Belt land at Mansfield Farm for construction of Iver MSA March 24

Letter to Hillingdon Council Cabinet re.’Uxbridge Golf Course: Open Space & Green Belt Notices’, March 24

Letter to Michael Gove Requesting he call in Iver MSA Planning Application, Nov 23

Letter to Michael Gove re Disposal of Green Belt Land, October 23

Letter to Councillor Martin Tett, October 2023

Letter to Shadow Minister October 2023

Letter to Strategic Sites Committee re Iver MSA September 2023

Letter to Joy Morrissey re. Government Planning Policy, July 2023

Letter to the Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, June 23

Letter to Shadow Minister of State for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities & Local Government, May 2023

Letter to Joy Morrissey requesting she call in the Iver M25 MSA planning applications, May 2023

Letter to Boris Johnson & Joy Morrissey following their visit to Denham, January 2023

Letter to the Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, Dec 2022

Letter to Michael Gove about Green Belt and planning reform, December 2022

Rickmansworth Aquadrome Management Plan Consultation response, June 2022

Letter to Michael Gove about improving planning policy, November 2021

Improvements to Planning Policy to protect the Green Belt, November 2021

MP’s briefing note re: Colne Valley fighting for its life, Sept 21

Letter to Three Rivers District Council re. Local Plan, May 21

Submission to Inquiry: Footpath Closure, Staines, Jan 2021

Letter to secretary of state for housing, Dec 2020

Annual Forum

2020: For a snapshot of what we had been doing in the park during 2019/2020, click here to view the Colne Valley Virtual Forum 2020.

2022: The Colne Valley Forum and Lottery Landscape Partnership Celebration

2023: Colne Valley Regional Park Forum

Launch of 2024 Campaign

E-newsletters that we share with our
Friends & Members

Winter 2022

Autumn 2022

Spring 2022

Winter 2021

Autumn 2021

Summer 2021

Spring 2021