4th April 2024

The Colne Valley Regional Park is horrified at the destruction of Gladwins Wood in Denham and is incredulous that this has reached appeal. This should be viewed as an unambiguous open and shut case for the inspector based on two irrefutable facts:

  1. there is extensive damage to an irreplaceable ancient woodland. This is in direct contravention of local planning policy and national planning policy relating to the Green Belt (NPPF paras 142 to 154) and Ancient Woodland (NPPF para 186).
  2. this work is taking place without planning permission from Buckinghamshire Council and without consent from the Forestry Commission.

Gladwins Wood is located between Tatling End and Rush Green in the western part of Denham Parish. It has been continuously wooded since the year 1600 and is possibly much, much older.

It was, and should be, a beautiful place full of wild flowers in Spring, part of a network of completely irreplaceable ancient woodlands between Denham, Gerrards Cross, Chalfont St Peter and Maple Cross.

June 2024 Update

The appeal against Bucks’ enforcement notice at Gladwins Wood has been thrown out. The only small issue is that the inspector has increased the period for compliance with the enforcement notice from 3 months to 6 months.

Note that the applicant withdrew part A of their appeal (NPPF) when they saw Bucks’ response (according to the inspector this was a “wise decision”). Para 13 of the costs decision is very clear relating to this: “…The appellant’s statement of case makes a number of arguments that are incomprehensible. The land is previously developed land, there is a wide range of development on the land that is already agreed to be lawful, it is not inappropriate development in the green belt and there has been no harm to trees or to biodiversity. These are all patently false…”.